Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The "Unblogged"

Sometimes I get so busy that I forget to share some of my favorite shots with everyone. I just cant bear to keep all this cuteness under wraps, so I've decided to start a series of posts called "The Unblogged" - it will be photos that I have meant to share but gotten to busy to post them in a timely fashion. So they may have been taken a little while ago, but they're still great shots! I am excited to compile a post with some of my favorite shots from last year that I didn't get to blog...but for now here are a few from the past month or so that I haven't posted yet...

First we have the amazing Miss Ellie, she's a young Morkie who wears her hair in a Schnauzer type cut - too cute. She's full of life and personality, and she lives a fabulous and pampered lifestyle with a Mom that adores everything about her. I adored everything about her too and had such a fun time working with her. Thanks Miss Ellie!

And then we have a few of the furry mugs from the March Pet Photo Day at All Pet Supplies North. If you'd like to see your very own cute furry little one on our blog, bring them in to one of our upcoming photo dates, we've got two coming up soon! This Saturday, April 17 we will be at Pet Warehouse on Kearney and then next weekend we'll be at All Pet Supplies North on Saturday, April 24.

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